【歌詞翻譯】Lady Gaga — Is That Alright?

Milan Chuang
4 min readOct 11, 2018



Life is so simple 人生就是如此簡單又美好
A little boy, a little girl 只需要一個男孩、一個女孩
Laughing and loving 歡笑著、深愛著
Tryin’ to figure out the world 試著共同弄清楚這世界

It felt like summer 就如那盛夏光年
When I kissed you in the rain 在那場雨中,我吻了你
And I know your story 即使我已經知道了你的人生故事
But tell me again 但我還是想一聽再聽

Nothing you say wouldn’t interest me 你說的每一句話都深深吸引著我
All of your words are like poems to me 你說的每一個字都像在歌頌一首詩
I would be honored if you would take me as I am 我很榮幸你愛的是最真的我

I want you 我想要你
To look right in my eyes 就這樣看著我的眼睛
To tell me you love me 就這樣告訴我,你好愛我
To be by my side 就這樣待在我身邊
I want you 我想要你
At the end of my life 在生命的終焉
I wanna see your face when I fall with grace 在肉體殞滅時仍能望著你的臉龐
At the moment I die 在我死亡之時
Is that alright? 這樣可以嗎?
Is that alright? 看似奢侈的要求,真的可以嗎?

I hope you’re still with me 我好希望,你仍然在我身旁
When I’m not quite myself 當我迷失自我時
And I pray that you’ll lift me 我祈禱你能輕輕地舉起我
When you know I need help 當你知道我需要你時

It’s a warm celebration 這就像場溫暖的慶典
Of all of our years 盛讚著我們人生中在一起的時時刻刻
I dream of our story 我夢到我們在一起時共同創造的故事
Of our fairy-tale 那些如夢似幻的過往

Family dinners and family trees 一起共進那場晚餐 一起種下的樹
Teachin’ the kids to say, “Thank you, “ and, “Please”

Knowin’ if we stay together that things will be right


I want you 我想要你
To look right in my eyes 就這樣看著我的眼睛
To tell me you love me 就這樣告訴我,你好愛我
To be by my side 就這樣待在我身邊
I want you 我想要你
At the end of my life 在生命的終焉
Wanna see your face when I fall with grace 在肉體殞滅時仍能望著你的臉龐
At the moment I die 在我死亡之時
Is that alright? 可以嗎?
Is that alright? 這樣可以嗎?
Is that alright? 這樣真的可以嗎?







Milan Chuang
